An open-minded, progressive company culture will be more effective (in innovating) than a fearful one. Read more at…
Driving While Distracted
Over half of US drivers report they eat or drink (73%), adjust controls in their cars (67%), talk on the phone (57%), or use their GPS (55%) while driving. As might be expected, the percent of drivers engaging in an activity is inversely proportionate to those who perceive it as being dangerous although there are a few exceptions.
Using a GPS, however, is perceived by 86% of US drivers as being dangerous — but 55% do engage in this activity while driving.
Across all drivers, the highest incidence of reported accidents or near misses happen because of daydreaming and texting (despite the low incidence of drivers claiming to engage in these). Searching for personal items and dealing with children/pets result in the next highest incidence of accidents/near misses.
One Liver Breakfast Biscuit, Please!
As pet pampering continues to explode with monogrammed bedding, massages & spa treatments, creative grooming, organic food & treats, Relevation explored the number and nature of QSR outings for the dog in a recent nationally-representative online poll. Close to one third of dog owners take their lucky pup to one or more popular QSRs to enjoy a snack or meal with the average number of chains visited 2.9. The number of claimed visits total over 1 Billion trips annually.
Over two fifths order food and drinks directly off the regular menu for the dog (if you call “Puppuccino” at Starbucks off the regular menu).
But one in four are ordering specialty designer type dog goodies at restaurants that cater to the pooch. Current offerings such as the Pup Cup, Bag O’Bones, Pup Cakes, Pooch-ini are growing in popularity. Some are offered gratis; others go for as much as or more than regular menu items.
According to the 2013/14 APPA National Dog Owners Survey, there has been a gradual decrease in purebreds. Rescue has become the new fad with empty nester owners eager to make it up to the dog for his rough start in life.
The way to the dog owner’s heart (and wallet) is through the dog’s stomach. QSRs can capitalize on this and make themselves the go-to destination for doggie visits.
Just For Laughs
A physicist, a chemist, and a market researcher enter the lab. Shortly after entering, they are alarmed to see smoke and fire coming from a wastebasket.

The chemist says, “No! No! I know what to do! We must cut off the supply of oxygen so the fire will go out due to lack of one of the reactants.”
To which the market researcher replies, “Trying to get an adequate sample size.”
Vitamin & Supplement Manufacturers Target Millennials
Despite the lack of evidence based on clinical trials and studies conducted via medical and government agencies about the positive effects of vitamins & supplements in promoting health, the multi-billion dollar industry continues to grow. And Millennials are the next key target with introductions designed to appeal to them in terms of naming, packaging and form:
- Solis Nutritional superfood blends
- Fire Cider elixir
- Boku Super ‘shrooms
Relevation took a look at the current state of affairs:
Although the major reasons for use are to promote basic overall health and habit, additional reasons for use pop based on the type of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Millennials are most strongly attached to Superfoods with 74% claiming they have been Top 2 Box effective for them, and 80% Top 2 Box believing they are across the board.
There appears to be a gap in delivery regardless of age. Consumers believe the “hype” potential in terms of efficacy of each CAM more than each has actually delivered for them personally.