An open-minded, progressive company culture will be more effective (in innovating) than a fearful one. Read more at…
13 posts Posts by Joan
Driving While Distracted
Over half of US drivers report they eat or drink (73%), adjust controls in their cars (67%), talk on the phone (57%), or use their GPS (55%) while driving. As might be expected, the percent of drivers engaging in an activity is inversely proportionate to those who perceive it as being dangerous although there are a few exceptions.
Using a GPS, however, is perceived by 86% of US drivers as being dangerous — but 55% do engage in this activity while driving.
Across all drivers, the highest incidence of reported accidents or near misses happen because of daydreaming and texting (despite the low incidence of drivers claiming to engage in these). Searching for personal items and dealing with children/pets result in the next highest incidence of accidents/near misses.
I Want My Steak “Made in America” But My Wine Can Be From Italy
Preference for “Made in America” differs by product category based on some research we recently conducted among a representative sample of U.S. consumers. Domestically-produced goods claim to be preferred most for Beef, Flags & Patriotic Items and Pet Food & Treats, with preference least in terms of Wine.

Preference for “Made in America” is eroded somewhat, although it remains strong, if the price tag increases.
Happy Holidays from Relevation Research
Relevation wishes you a Beautiful Holiday Season and a New Year filled with Peace and Happiness.
This year we have chosen, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, and Alexander Leigh Center for Autism for our charitable gift giving. These organizations support causes that are important to both our employees and our company.