Remember back in the day the PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) with its matching “stylus”. You could jot down notes, manage your calendar, and keep all your contacts electronically. Well, it’s back only better…
The Samsung Note II is a “phablet”, basically a cross between a smart phone and a small tablet with a cool stylus tucked neatly in the side of the phone. The 5.5″ screen lets you search the Internet, watch videos, listen to music, read your emails, post to social media, and take notes with its handy stylus.

The hunt for a pen and a napkin is over, now just grab your phone, pull out the stylus and write, draw, and doodle to your heart’s content. You can even upload your doodles to Facebook or Instagram. And if you walk away without putting the stylus back in the phone’s slot it will beep at you and display a message that you left the stylus behind. Cool! The stylus is a definite keeper.