Preference for “Made in America” differs by product category based on some research we recently conducted among a representative sample of U.S. consumers. Domestically-produced goods claim to be preferred most for Beef, Flags & Patriotic Items and Pet Food & Treats, with preference least in terms of Wine.
Preference is stronger than average among . . . 65+, those in the South, Caucasians, and those in households with members now or previously serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Coffee netted the highest percentage of all categories with consumers preferring products made outside America, but at only 10%.
lthough no differences were noted Females versus Males overall, Females are more passionate about “Made in America” in conjunction with several specific categories: Beef, Pet Food/Treats, Cosmetics, Electronics, Home Appliances, Clothing, Toys, Wine, Furniture and Patriotic Items.

Preference for “Made in America” is eroded somewhat, although it remains strong, if the price tag increases.